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樓主: Avantgarde-HK

[黑膠系統] 德國 Audiodesksysteme Vinyl cleaning PRO 超聲波洗碟機

發表於 2019-11-24 22:30:51 | 顯示全部樓層
Harwood 發表於 2019-11-24 11:40
連中兩部真係好大仇口.哈 ...

當天一様講到㸃正㸃正, 只知時也命也, 輸錢輸碟。

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 樓主| 發表於 2019-11-25 10:55:33 | 顯示全部樓層
ELUK 發表於 2019-11-24 09:15
請問新款幾錢?  套kit 幾錢?

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 樓主| 發表於 2019-11-25 11:14:33 | 顯示全部樓層
CFLaw 發表於 2019-11-24 22:30
當天一様講到㸃正㸃正, 只知時也命也, 輸錢輸碟。

每樣事情都可能會發生錯誤或意外, 最緊要廠方亦不斷努力檢測及改進.  便能研發出更佳之產品.  希望各下可以秉承過去, 迎接新產品為你帶來之優越性能.  

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 樓主| 發表於 2019-11-25 11:29:34 | 顯示全部樓層
本帖最後由 Avantgarde-HK 於 2019-11-25 11:35 編輯

我們代理了此產品已久, 大家都知初幾代有些問題;如漏水, 容易壞, Disorder嘜都出現過.  但Mr. Rainer Glass 多次向本公司及客人道歉及作出不同解決方案, 務求繼續為這突破性嘅設計繼續研究及改善.  我們對Mr. Glass 這種精神十分敬佩, 亦希望能夠發揚這產品令到廣大發燒友都能受惠.

現最新2019 Pro version ( 機面有鋁牌 及可以加 7" disc adaptor)其清潔效能及穩定性已達到成熟.  歡迎大家到本公司體驗一下!

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發表於 2019-11-25 14:34:14 | 顯示全部樓層
我用緊pro version 頂沒有孔的.  可以加7" disc adaptor kit set 嗎?幾錢?

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發表於 2019-11-25 15:15:40 | 顯示全部樓層
CFLaw 發表於 2019-11-24 22:30
當天一様講到㸃正㸃正, 只知時也命也, 輸錢輸碟。

我都明白你嘅心情.  我都有類似嘅經歷.  裝咗部大金分體, 一開始就有雜聲, 影響到夜晚訓唔到.  叫咗大金師傅上嚟, 佢話不是線路問題無得換, 最後忍咗一個星期, 換咗部樂聲靜晒, 部大金 total lost.   

其實我都好穩陣, 個個都話大金靜, 我仲留意到兩個親戚用緊大金都OK靜先買, 點知...時也命也, 唉!

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發表於 2019-12-19 10:51:41 | 顯示全部樓層
我知道為什麼刮碟.  我有一隻碟都有刮碟邊情況, 我很奇怪, 為什麼只是這隻碟呢?  經過一斷時間發現該碟炒魷魚情況特別大於其他碟, 所以該唱片當轉動時唱片邊碰到audiodesksystems 洗碟機左邊唱片出入口的邊做成一點點的印, 幸好不會影響播放, 是聽不到的. 版主可提供給廠方參考.  


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 樓主| 發表於 2019-12-19 14:35:01 | 顯示全部樓層
wm7139 發表於 2019-12-19 10:51
我知道為什麼刮碟.  我有一隻碟都有刮碟邊情況, 我很奇怪, 為什麼只是這隻碟呢?  經過一斷時間發現該碟炒魷 ...


唔怪得知2019新款左邊開口大了(以往是尖的).  可能廠方都懷疑這點.  我們會將各下寶貴意見報告及廠.

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 樓主| 發表於 2020-1-10 16:10:42 | 顯示全部樓層


2019 Vinyl Cleaner Pro Automatic LP cleaning Machine

A gentle cleaning of the disc is particularly important to preserve its value. Reiner Gläss, the brain behind Audiodesksysteme, has developed a professional yet comfortable LP-washing machine – the "Vinyl-Cleaner". The Vinyl Cleaner is a fully automated machine that sets new standards in user-friendliness.

Operating the Vinyl Cleaner PRO is very simple: Just insert the disc into the machine's opening and press the red button. A yellow LED lights up and the gentle cleaning process runs fully automatically. Thereby counter-rotating microfiber cleaning barrels and ultrasonic waves softly remove even deep-sitting dirt particles from the record grooves. During operation, the machine permanently filters the cleaning fluid. Afterward, two special high-performance motors guarantee an effective drying procedure of the record – at very low volume levels. When, after a short period of time, the green LED lights up the cleaned disc can be removed from the apparatus.


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 樓主| 發表於 2020-2-10 11:39:29 | 顯示全部樓層
Audiodesksysteme Vinyl Cleaning Pro 肯定是最佳的洗碟機


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發表於 2020-2-17 02:00:30 | 顯示全部樓層
wm7139 發表於 2019-12-19 10:51
我知道為什麼刮碟.  我有一隻碟都有刮碟邊情況, 我很奇怪, 為什麼只是這隻碟呢?  經過一斷時間發現該碟炒魷 ...

全部新碟, 不信機問題卽衰多隻, 超過十隻

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 樓主| 發表於 2020-2-17 12:10:16 | 顯示全部樓層
CFLaw 發表於 2020-2-17 02:00
全部新碟, 不信機問題卽衰多隻, 超過十隻


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發表於 2020-3-18 11:59:44 | 顯示全部樓層
剛入了新款Vinyl Cleaning Pro X 版一星期, 真係好正.  又無發現刮碟問題,  代理講明, 原銀奉還, 陪埋碟錢添, 抵讚!

用竣聲音兩極都靚咗, 估唔到新碟都有明顯改善.  

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 樓主| 發表於 2020-3-18 14:06:22 | 顯示全部樓層
本帖最後由 Avantgarde-HK 於 2020-3-18 14:11 編輯
edmond 發表於 2020-3-18 11:59
剛入了新款Vinyl Cleaning Pro X 版一星期, 真係好正.  又無發現刮碟問題,  代理講明, 原銀奉還, 陪埋碟錢 ...

其實之前 就CF Law Ching 的情況已把當時整批貨退回德國進行檢查及研究, 之後都無再出現過問題.  雖然那些刮碟邊只是很外圍(沒有接觸到有歌部份) 及很淺.  但畢竟廠方都須付全責, 及須立即正視和改良產品.  

新的ProX 版, 清潔效能更佳, 更靜!  多謝支持!

174106jgw63llil1i6x0rl.jpg 517c424d-bd0b-40e7-89cb-993bbdf18f05.jpg


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 樓主| 發表於 2020-3-20 13:46:58 | 顯示全部樓層
本帖最後由 Avantgarde-HK 於 2020-3-20 13:49 編輯

Audio-Desk-Systeme-PRO-Vinyl-Cleaner-detail.jpg c6918d69-b83e-42ca-af91-2c6d2db1214d.jpg ef84b3c1-df9c-49b6-86ff-737850e41558.jpg
Pro X packaging

Pro X 新防塵袋

Pro X 與 pro

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 樓主| 發表於 2020-4-2 12:00:20 | 顯示全部樓層
VINYL CLEANER PRO X - 10th Anniversary Model

NEWEST VERSION FOR 2020 INCLUDES: Enhanced cleaning and drying including new high-performance Black Wipers. - Quick release of LP at end of drying cycle. - Quieter running thanks to new fans. 2020 Newest Model PRO  X showcases the front Audiodesksysteme metal brand plate.

The 2019 Audiodesksysteme Vinyl Cleaner PRO X is the latest version of the first and only record cleaning machine that incorporates an ultrasonic cleaning cycle in addition to a more conventional mechanical cleaning via bi-directional rotating microfiber cleaning drums, and the result is the cleanest LP's ever.

Audiodesksysteme Vinyl Cleaner  PRO X is fully automatic - just put the LP in the slot, push the button, and come back in 6 minutes (or tomorrow!) for a thoroughly cleaned and dried LP (both sides). Whole new layers of inner detail and air are revealed in the recordings, and of course most surface noise is eliminated.

The VINYL CLEANER PRO X is a disc cleaning machine that follows a different path: the cleaning process is fully automatic, simultaneously for both sides, ultrasonically, and by means of counter-rotating microfibre cleaning barrels, with subsequent drying. This form of cleaning is not only quieter and more convenient, it is above all highly effective and extremely gentle on the disc's surfaces. Your discs sparkle as never before and most importantly: the sound is closer to the music.

With the VINYL CLEANER PRO X, you can acquire a high-performance disc cleaner, which is the realization of that which is possible, and in a cost optimized form, and which you and your treasured record collection will enjoy for a long time to come. Comes with 2 vials of a proprietary cleaning fluid developed specifically for this machine. A container of the fluid concentrate plus a gallon of distilled water cleans 150 new LP's, or 100 used LP's.

Records are precious:

Not only because they are excellent sound carriers. Often the so-called "black gold" is an irreplaceable collector's item. Even when great care is taken, in the long time it is inevitable that records get dirty.

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 樓主| 發表於 2020-4-21 15:14:57 | 顯示全部樓層
"The Audio Desk Systeme was the most effective, easy-to-use record-cleaning machine I've ever tried. I've never had so much fun cleaning LPs. I bought the review sample!"
– Michael Fremer, Stereophile

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 樓主| 發表於 2020-5-21 11:19:49 | 顯示全部樓層
With the VINYL CLEANER PRO X,  you can acquire a high-performance disc cleaner, which is the realization of that which is possible, and in a cost optimized form, and which you and your treasured record collection will enjoy for a long time to come. Comes with 2 vials of a proprietary cleaning fluid developed specifically for this machine. A container of the fluid concentrate plus a gallon of distilled water cleans 150 new LP's, or 100 used LP's.

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發表於 2020-5-21 16:41:57 | 顯示全部樓層
我有部舊款都有省碟邊既情況出現, 請問會唔會有咩對策?

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 樓主| 發表於 2020-5-22 10:54:01 | 顯示全部樓層
kwokbo 發表於 2020-5-21 16:41
我有部舊款都有省碟邊既情況出現, 請問會唔會有咩對策?

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